Having started his career at such an early age with a digital marketing agency, Madhavendra Vishwanath Tiwari aspires to help people and live a fulfilling life. The startup, called Company Launch Pad, was founded in August 2022. He came across this business model because of Iman Gadzhi. In spite of growing up in a poor household, Iman managed to achieve success against all odds. He has been a significant inspiration for Madhavendra. Madhavendra has always wanted to start a business. Luckily he found his mentor and decided to go with a marketing agency due to the low initial cost. He believes that a business aimed at helping people is destined to succeed.
The August of 2022 marks the launch of his business, the creation of his website, and the making of a comprehensive plan to move forward.
Company launch pad helps businesses attract more customers and increase revenue. This youth-driven company deals with everything from SEO (Search engine optimization, i.e. ranking your business higher in Google search) to Conversion Rate Optimization (takes better product pictures, redesigning your website, etc., to help increase the number of people who turn from ordinary site visitors into customers) and Paid Ads (allows you to run your ads on platforms like Google, FaceBook, etc., to boost your prospects).
The company will outsource once it gets a few clients since it has been a while since it started. This way, they can explore different business models such as Dropshipping, WebApp, etc.
"This is the time to take risks, otherwise you are just a blob of cells floating on a rock we call Earth through space.
If you live for 100 years, you have 36,525 days to live out of which 18 years are spent growing up, that is only 29,951 days left. Keep in mind most people don't even live to 100, let alone live an active life after 70 years of age. We are gonna die anyways, so why not take our chances and take risks? Build your business, publish your idea, win and glorify your existence." - Says Madhavendra.
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